CA Act: HENRY Multi-Floor Cleaner

In 2017, the California Legislature passed a bill requiring manufacturers who sell cleaning products in the state of California to provide information about the ingredients in their products.  This new regulation requires a manufacturer to disclose on the product label and on the product’s website information regarding chemicals contained in the product.  The information on the product label will be added by January 1, 2021, but the information on the website is available now.  Under the Cleaning Product Right to Know Act of 2017, the manufacturer’s website must list all intentionally added ingredients in the product.  The webpages must also identify chemicals in the product which are found on any of 22 “Designated Lists”, lists by authoritative bodies with expertise in the field of chemical safety.  Furthermore, the webpages must also disclose the presence of fragrance allergens in designated cleaning products. ARDEX Americas supports this Right To Know regulation, and is committed to providing transparency for ingredient information to its floor care customers.  Links to webpages for each of the Designated Lists plus the Fragrance Allergens List are found here.

Henry Multi-Floor Cleaner Concentrate

You can view the relevant SDS here.

CAS No.Chemical NamePurposeDesignated Lists
WithheldAlkoxylated C12-14- AlcoholsSurfactant
34590-94-8Dipropylene glycol methyl etherWetting AgentList #18
112926-00-8Hydrated SilicaDefoamer
9016-45-9NonoxynolSurfactantList #3
106-44-5p-CresolFragrance IngredientLists Nos. 13, 18


Henry Multi-Floor Cleaner Ready to Use

You can view the relevant SDS here.

CAS No.Chemical NamePurposeDesignated Lists
WithheldAlkoxylated C12-14- AlcoholsSurfactant
34590-94-8Dipropylene glycol methyl etherWetting AgentList #18
112926-00-8Hydrated SilicaDefoamer
9016-45-9NonoxynolSurfactantList #3
106-44-5p-CresolFragrance IngredientLists Nos. 13, 18